Privacy Statement


Azistar d.o.o. is aware of the importance of personal data and the duty to protect it, taking into account the principles of legality, fairness, proportionality, and dedicated use, and therefore with personal data, it acts with care and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the applicable personal data protection act.

This statement covers our general information and contact regarding protected data; the purpose, the basis, and the type of processing of personal data; the transferring of these data, the time of storage; and your consent and rights.

You can visit the website without identification or transferring personal data. When we need your personal information to provide services that you request or when you decide to provide us your personal information, we will treat it according to this policy.

This website is using cookies. For more information about cookies on this website and how we are using them, read the Cookie Information.


On some web pages, when using the online contact forms, you are required to enter your personal details, e.g. e-mail address, name, and office address and other details, in order for us to execute your request. We seek to minimize data collection and processing.

The personal data you provide to us through the web contact forms and the consent to data processing are used exclusively for the purpose for which you provided the data, and you are solely responsible for the accuracy of that data.

Retention of data

The data that you consent to provide to us shall be retained until you withdraw your consent. However, in lieu of your withdrawal of consent, the data will be retained for a maximum of 5 years. If you enter into a contractual agreement with Azistar d.o.o. to provide services, the data will be retained for the duration of the business relationship and within the applicable regulations.

Consent and withdrawal

Consent is your unilateral statement that we can use the personal data you provided for a specific purpose in the course of our operation. Consent is completely voluntary and does not constitute a condition for further business with us. In case of doubt about consent, we will take all reasonable steps to verify the existence of consent. If we need to use your personal data in the course of planned processing for a purpose other than the purpose given in the consent, we will invite you to issue a new consent. You can revoke or change your consent at any time in the same way as you gave it, and if necessary, we reserve the right of identification. We will enforce your cancellation or change of consent no later than 15 working days from the day of acceptance or identification.

Transfer and disclosure

We will not disclose or transfer personal data to third parties or persons, whether legal or natural, if we do not receive prior explicit consent from you, unless authorized or required to do so by law and general regulation in the sense of fulfilling legal provisions and protecting legitimate rights. External persons can be given access to those data that are necessary or indispensable for the performance of their services if they are obliged under the contract to protect the privacy of this data and are required to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation and the applicable Act on the Protection of Personal Information.


In accordance with the applicable regulations, you have the right to information and an explanation concerning which part of your personal data is being processed, who is processing it and in what manner. You also have the right to object, correct, restrict, delete, and transfer your personal data if it is inadequate or no longer needed in whole or in part, or you have revoked the consent to continue using the data, or if you want to transfer your personal data to another data operator. Any of the rights listed in the General Data Protection Regulation can be enforced in writing, and can also be enabled by the Information Commissioner. We will address your request no later than 15 working days from the day of acceptance or identification.


Azistar d.o.o. takes care of the security of your data, using technology and procedures that protect against unauthorized access, use, and disclosure of this data. We use the HTTPS communication protocol, which enables secure data transfer between our website and its visitors, and we store your data in permanently controlled computer systems with limited access in controlled locations. We also perform all other technical and organizational procedures to prevent access to these highly confidential data in any manner whatsoever.


Mexican restaurant "Da Bu Da" operates under the auspices of the company Azistar d.o.o., Šubičeva ulica 1A, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

You can contact the responsible or authorized person for this privacy statement via e-mail at [email protected].

Final provisions

We reserve the right to adapt data, listed in this privacy statement, to the amended or actual legal basis without giving prior notice. The version that is currently in force is the version that you see here and it is also available at the company’s headquarters. Anything not specifically defined in this privacy statement is subject to the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation and the applicable personal data protection act.